This iconic image of Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina, by Jerome Brouillet, has been named the overall winner at the World Sports Photography Awards…
Brouillet took the picture during the surfing competition at the Paris Olympics.
From a boat by the side of the wave in Tahiti, Brouillet captured Medina suspended in mid-air, as if stood on solid ground, as his board mimicked his stance.
Below are a selection of the gold, silver, bronze and special merits across all 24 categories of the awards, which are now in their fifth year.
Aquatics: Water Jump to Bronze by Pim Ras
Athletics: Steeplechase at Storms Twilight by Brett Pierce
Baseball: Ohtani Shattered by Geoff Burke
Basketball: Seeing Double by Andrew Hancock
Boxing: Pamela Malvina Noutcho Sawa by Silvia Casali
Cricket: Flying Catch by Andrew Cornaga
Cycling: Framing by Ashley & Jered Gruber
Equestrian: Take It Higher by Tilly Berendt
Formula 1: Back to Winning Ways by David Davies
Golf: Wet-n-Wild by Brennan Asplen
Gymnastics: Untitled by Mike Egerton
Ice Hockey: The Shadow by Bruce Bennett
Martial Arts: Octagon under Sphere by Christian Petersen
Motor Sports: Dusty 180 Corner by Hannu Rainamo
Racquet Sports: Double Rainbow during the Beach Tennis by Vinicius Shima
Rugby: Rugby in the Mud by Hassan Omar Wamwayi
Swimming & Diving: Diving at Aspire Dome by Shinya Tanaka
Tennis: Coco Power by Daniel Pockett
Urban & Extreme: The Bulb by Volodya Voronin
Venues & Views: Tetris by Anton Geyser
Winter Sports: Espelunguere by Yhabril Moro
All photos courtesy of World Sports Photography Awards, external